Fragment in React

In React Whenever you want to render something on the screen, you need to use a render method inside the component. This render method can return single elements or multiple elements. The render method will only render a single root node inside it at a time. However, if you want to return multiple elements, the render method will require a "div" tag and put the entire content or elements inside it. This extra node to DOM sometimes result in the wrong formatting of your HTML output and also not loved by the many developers.


1  // Rendering with div tag  
2  class App extends React.Component {   
3       render() {    
4        return (   
5           //Extraneous div element   
6           <div>  
7             <h2> Hello World! </h2>   
8             <p> Welcome to the Mehboob's Blog. </p>   
9           </div>   
10        );   
11       }   
12  }

To solve this problem, React introduced Fragment from 16.2 and above version. Fragments allows you to group a list of children without adding extra node to DOM.


2  <h2> child1 </h2>   
3  <p> child2 </p>   
4  .. ..... .... ...  


1  // Rendering with fragments tag  
2  class App extends React.Component {   
3      render() {   
4       return (   
5         <React.Fragment>  
6              <h2> Hello World! </h2>   
7              <p> Welcome to the Mehboob's Blog. </p>   
8           </React.Fragment>  
9       );   
10      }   
11  }

Why we use React Fragment?

1. It makes the execution of code faster as compared to the div tag.

2. It takes less memory

Fragments Short Syntax

There is also a shorthand exist for declaring fragments for the above method. It looks like empty tag in which we can use of "<>" and "</>" instead of the "React.Fragment"


1  //Rendering with short syntax   
2  class Columns extends React.Component {   
3    render() {   
4      return (   
5        <>    
6          <h2> Hello World! </h2>   
7          <p> Welcome to the Shiv's Blog </p>   
8        </>   
9      );   
10    }   
11  }

Keyed Fragments

This shorthand syntax does not accept key attributes. You need a key for mapping a collection to an array of fragments such as to create a description list. If you need to provide a keys, you have to declare the Fragments with the explicit <React.Fragment> syntax.


1  Function  = (props) {  
2    return (  
3      <Fragment>  
4        { => (  
5          // Without the 'key', React will give a key warning  
6          <React.Fragment key={}>  
7            <h2>{}</h2>  
8            <p>{item.url}</p>  
9            <p>{item.description}</p>  
10          </React.Fragment>  
11        ))}  
12      </Fragment>  
13    )  
14  }  

🙏 Thank You, You are the most lucky 1 precenty


Did you know that the virtual DOM of React is like a secret agent?

It's always undercover, spying on the real DOM and making changes behind the scenes!

Virtual DOM: "I see you, real DOM, but you can't see me!"

Real DOM: "What's that rustling noise? Is someone messing with my elements?"

Virtual DOM: wearing sunglasses "Just doing my job, keeping things snappy and efficient!"

Real DOM: "Well, as long as yo'ure not causing any trouble... Carry on, Agent VDOM!"